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The Chicago Crime Syndicate franchise is the most asked about former team in club history.  The reason being that they won the title in back to back years (2013 & 2014) and then were out of the league before 2015 began.

Jason was a very active owner.  The problem simply was his ability to work well with others as he had very disruptive interactions with multiple owners over the years and eventually it became too much for the league to ignore.  Despite winning back to back seasons, he was removed at the Roster Wars President's discretion after dozens of attempts were made to squash the drama.

It's hard to take away from someone winning a title in any league, especially this one...let alone two in a row so I won't but if you ask other owners who were present during the first three years of the league, you'll certainly hear tales of the Crime Syndicate being the beneficiary of some horrid trades against owners that shouldn't have been here and/or wouldn't make it into our club today.  But who's to say and you can't hold it against Jason for doing his best and winning.

It really is unfortunate that someone who was active enough for this league could be so far from a good fit.  Best of luck to him!

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Chicago Crime Syndicate Trophy Room


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