
William David Albert Connelly professionally, but you can just call me “Bill.” I

manage the Charm City Justice fantasy football organization as a member of Chapter 6

in the Terrible Twelve Conference. I was born into Roster Wars on September 28 th ,

2016 and I had very little idea what that decision would lead to. Just a young boy from

the Bronx, I have always been praised for my “calm in the storm.” It’s odd to me

because inside I am normally an anxious total wreck in stressful situations, but I guess I

appear calm. It helps me as a social worker as I tend to pick high stress environments

to work in. Now as a forensic social worker in Baltimore working with people charged

with crimes, I hear some real messed up stuff and am constantly trying to be

manipulated. I have experience working with juvenile delinquents and emotionally

disturbed children before my current work. If you ever want to learn about yourself

quick, hang out with some emotionally disturbed teens. They will discover and

manipulate your weaknesses rapidly. Despite being the adult, they taught me a lot and

helped me grow up a lot in a short period of time.

My biggest accomplishment is obviously my family. My two kids are not perfect,

but they are perfect to me. I am coming up on 15 years of marriage, which today is a big

accomplishment as well. Professionally, I am the Executive Director for my program and

was personally asked to apply for the job by the previous Executive Director. On a much

less important note, I have finished three marathons in my life. I finished slowly, but I

trained hard and got from the start to the finish each time. I am also very proud of being

my son’s soccer coach. I have never played soccer, but the parents and kids took to me

right away and they consistently ask for me to coach their kids again because of how

much they enjoy being on my team. That means the world to me, being able to have a

positive impact on a bunch of young people, including my son and nephew.

My personal advice to everyone, is you are going to fail and that is ok. It does not

matter that you fail, everyone does. What matters is how you respond to that failure.

Learn from your failures, try not to do it again, and realize no one is perfect.

Traditional Irish blessing/prayer:

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

2020 Survey Game Award.png
2017 Best of the Worst Award.png
2017 Survivor Award.png